
R 88.55R 404.26

Hard surface ammoniated cleaning detergent.

SKU: TIDY AMMONIA Categories: ,


Tidy Ammonia is a blend of surfactants, scouring agents and ammonia to use as a hard surface ammoniated cleaning detergent.  The light scouring action aids in the removal of stubborn dirt and grease from walls, floors, ceramics and other hard surfaces.  Tidy Ammonia is ideal for cleaning in kitchens and bathrooms.


  1. Use in a well ventilated area.
  2. Use PVC gloves when handling the concentrate.


  1. Keep away from direct sunlight.
  2. Store in cool conditions.
  3. Keep container closed when not in use.


For heavy duty cleaning:

  1. Apply Tidy Ammonia undiluted to the contaminated areas.
  2. Allow 5 minutes contact time before wiping with a cloth.

For medium duty cleaning:

  1. Dilute 1 part Tidy Ammonia concentrate to 5 parts water.

For light duty cleaning:

  1. Dilute 1 part Tidy Ammonia concentrate to 10 parts water.

Apply diluted solutions to contaminated areas and wash with a cloth or a mop.

Shake well before use.

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